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  • By admin
  • May 11, 2018

The current education styles are mainly guided by the principle, that passing a grade ensures complete learning of that level. A deeper introspection of what really fulfils the learning experience of a child is required. It is important to understand the nuances of the learning curve taken by each child. Any system that compel students to belong to a certain dominant lobby can suppress the spirit of innovation.
For students to evolve into skilled professionals of tomorrow, they need to be able to operate in a free atmosphere, exercise choices with a certain level of independence in order to shape their own lives. The idea is to look beyond the pass-fail binary. We don’t need just engineers, doctors and learners who attain the highest scores in an examination.
To put India truly on the global forefront, we need to nurture innovators, thinkers, philosophers, leaders and writers–to list a few–reflecting the diverse aspirations and dreams of a developing nation. For this, we need to establish newer ways of approaching education and redefine learning. MyPedia aims to implement these reforms, which are essential for smooth transitioning of students to skilled professionals of tomorrow.  
The first step of getting closer to the vision of holistic learning is to embrace new methods of learning and teaching. It is important to familiarize teachers with newer concepts and different structures of delivering education.
Adopting an interdisciplinary approach will further substantiate classroom education and support the holistic development of children as well as teachers. Introducing a framework of continuous assessments, regular and real-time feedback can drastically improve the performance of students and help them identify their interests early in life.